Hahntennjoch – route closed due to noise

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Motorcycle noise

Debate about the volume of motorcycles

Hahntennjoch - route closed due to noise
Uli Baumann


traffic & business

Hahntennjoch – route closed due to noise

Hahntennjoch – route closed due to noise?
Online petition against blocking started

The popular route on the Hahntennjoch could soon be temporarily closed to motorcycles. An online petition has now been launched to prevent this.

Michael Schumann


South Tyrol has shown the way with the Sella Pass, and popular routes in Tyrol could soon also be temporarily closed to motorbikes. In November the Tyrolean Parliament voted unanimously for a “Package of measures” pronounced for reducing road noise from motorcycles. Weekend driving bans, for example at the Hahntennjoch (photo), should be checked.

Hahntennjoch - route closed due to noise

traffic & business

Closure at the Sella Pass?

Traffic regulation in 2019 still unclear

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Petition against route closures

Road closures for motorcycles are a novelty for Austria. There haven’t been any. That is why an initiative by the Tyrolean provincial government has now startled motorcyclists in Austria. As part of a “Package of measures” To curb traffic noise, a temporary closure of routes such as the Hahntennjoch, the Pillerhohe and the Namlostal is to be examined.

Now resistance is forming. Hotelier Kai Uwe Burskens from Schonau im Lechtal has one Online petition started. It should collect as many signatures as possible “against unequal treatment of motorcycle and moped drivers”. In 2018 the signatures will then be presented to the Tyrolean provincial government. The content of the petition is explained “does not agree with a blanket criminalization and the associated exclusion of motorcyclists”.

Noise pollution from cars is slightly higher?

In addition to the danger for many jobs dependent on motorcyclists, she also cites investigations as arguments, according to which, for example, on the Hahntennjoch, which connects the Lech valley with the Inntal, “the noise pollution from cars is slightly higher than from motorcycles if the specified speed limits are adhered to”.

Hotelier Burskens already has the community of interests “IG Moto” founded, which wants to take action against the possible blockages. “We have also received inquiries from Germany”, says the founder about MOTORRAD, “but want to concentrate on Austria. In Germany there is the Federal Association of Motorcyclists.”

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