Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

…Flexibility in the leg area. Especially in street sports when hanging-off is indispensable.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Those who train properly increase the chances of racing success significantly.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

But there are also some basic exercises for your own home: Here: neck press with the dumbbell. This exercise works the entire shoulder area, one of the most important muscle groups when riding a motorcycle on the racetrack. Sit in front of the edge of a chair and lift both dumbbells up at the same time. Do not fully extend arms and back.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Dips on the bench. Dips are used to train the triceps. This exercise is ideal for training at home: Place a bench and a footrest that is about the same height apart so that the upper body can still easily fit in front of the bench in the lower position. Push up slowly. The same applies here: Never fully extend your arms.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

There are a number of tests to determine the current fitness level and to know which training focuses you have to set: Here, physiotherapist Christina Erben IDM pilot Pascal Eckhardt explains the development of lactate values ​​with increasing stress.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

With the help of this bizarre headgear…

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Bent Lateral Raise. Another exercise to train the shoulders with a focus on the back of the shoulders. Lean your upper body forward / down as far as possible. Slowly (!) Pull both arms upwards. Pay attention to a clean execution.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

An optimal training plan needs professional advice.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

The lactate test is carried out before training: You can only train specifically if you know your current fitness level.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

One-armed triceps extension with the dumbbell. As the name suggests, this exercise primarily works the triceps. Again, do not fully extend your arm. In general, the following applies to every muscle group: before the actual training with a little weight, gently warm up, then increase the weight.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Even the PS rookie has already undergone a fitness test at Ortema. Expert Stefan Bettels attaches particular importance to…

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Basic work: cycling trains basic endurance.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

…the expert also checks the mobility of the racing driver’s head.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Endurance training is extremely important for hobby drivers and professionals.


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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: fitness for hobby racers
Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

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Good physical condition is one of the most important parts of a successful racing season. Contrary to popular belief, this does not only apply to professionals, hobby pilots also benefit noticeably from a good basic physical disposition. In a two-part series, PS explains how to start the season in top shape.

Sebastian Lang


The sweat flows, the arms ache, the heart beats up to the neck. Sporty motorcycling is backbreaking work. In contrast to many other sports, burning on the racetrack puts a strain on the entire body. The front wheel-oriented seating position and the braking phases are at the expense of the forearms and wrists, when accelerating the pilot braces himself into the rest and thus challenges the leg muscles. In order to always keep the bike under control, you also need good core muscles and a high level of body tension.

If the body is not sufficiently trained for such loads, you can feel it not only in muscle pain but also in the loss of concentration – which in extreme cases can lead to a fall.

For this reason, anyone who regularly drives a motorcycle on the racetrack should ensure that they have a minimum level of physical fitness at the start of the season. In order to achieve this, two factors are important in addition to a firm will: professional support and starting training as early as possible. With the support of IDM driver Pascal Eckhardt, PS explains how you can be in top shape by the start of the season.


Only those who know their current fitness level can train in a targeted manner. Sports institutes such as Ortema and Europeansports (see box on page 71) specialize in testing the physical fitness of amateur and professional athletes and creating an individually tailored training plan. At Ortema, a two-and-a-half-hour test costs 194 euros – a worthwhile investment that lays the foundation for effective training and optimal fitness over the entire season. This test determines strength, upper body and leg muscles, flexibility, posture, balance and deficits. The core of the examination is the lactate measurement, which provides information about the current fitness level.

Pascal Eckhardt’s physiotherapist Christina Erben explains how lactate measurement works: “Lactate accumulates when the oxygen supply is too low and the body burns carbohydrates during great physical exertion. The consequences of lactate are pain due to irritation of the free nerve endings, and the pH value of the body falls, which leads to over-acidification of the internal environment. From a lactate value of about 6-8 mmol / liter (1 mmol = one thousandth of a mole, one mole corresponds to about 6×10²³ particles of a substance), the understanding of technology, tactics and coordination gradually decreases – things that are unimportant for a motorcyclist during a race. thing needed.”

Lactate levels can generally be divided into different areas. Below 2 mmol / L the body works in the aerobic range: the pulse is relatively low, the muscles have enough oxygen available. Between 2 and 4 mmol / L there is a transition area in which the muscles literally run out of air and the body gradually slips from the aerobic, fat-burning to the anaerobic, carbohydrate-burning area. From around 4 mmol / L you are in the anaerobic and therefore harmful area, the pulse is correspondingly high. However, these values ​​are only rough guidelines – an optimal training plan can only be created with an individually determined anaerobic threshold.

Once the current fitness level has been determined, it is time to train. In general, the training plan of a hobby racer should consist of four pillars: endurance training, strength training, mental training, recovery.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Endurance training is extremely important for hobby drivers and professionals.


A good basic endurance is the most important requirement for a constant performance over the entire race and season. Only those who stay fit right up to the finish line will be up front. In addition, targeted endurance training slows down the rise in lactate and thus avoids problems that arise from excessively high lactate levels, such as poor concentration and muscle acidification. The cardiovascular training is strictly based on the results of the lactate measurement and the training plan created from it, which contains the training duration and heart rates. Hometrainers or bicycles are suitable as training equipment. Jogging also trains endurance and is also good for the psyche. Ultimately, it is up to personal preference whether you choose a bike or running shoes, both types of training are about equally effective.

The following applies to all forms of training: do not overdo it! Athletes often overload their bodies out of ignorance, which is definitely harmful instead of good. The rule of thumb for training beginners: Only strain the body to such an extent that conversation is still possible at any time.

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


There are also some basic exercises for your own home: Here: Neck press with the dumbbell. This exercise works the entire shoulder area, one of the most important muscle groups when riding a motorcycle on the racetrack. Sit in front of the edge of a chair and lift both dumbbells up at the same time. Do not fully extend arms and back.


Strength training should be specially tailored to the needs of motorcycle racing. It should contain exercises for body tension as well as special training of individual muscle groups. Road sports pilots should primarily train their triceps, shoulders and neck in order to counteract the deceleration forces; for off-road drivers, exercises for the thigh area are also worthwhile.

Fitness training part 2

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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips



Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


There are a number of tests to determine the current fitness level and to know which training focuses you have to set: Here, physiotherapist Christina Erben IDM pilot Pascal Eckhardt explains the development of lactate values ​​with increasing stress.


Many pilots train their bodies, but neglect the training of their psychological resources. Concentration is one of the most important safety and success factors in racing. Good mental preparation for the season should therefore be an integral part of the training plan.
Since every pilot struggles with other mental ailments, you should consult an expert for optimal preparation for the season. Sports institutes, sports universities and Olympic training centers are suitable as a first point of contact to get more information.

Even simple exercises help to train concentration: At home, switch on two radio stations at the same time and try to listen to only one and tune out the other, for example. Or watch a candle flame for as long as possible and watch out for when your thoughts wander.
Before the start, motorcycle racers split psychologically into two camps: The “Cognitive Avoiders”, who try to fade out all influences from outside and collect themselves and who “Vigilant Master”, which collect information until shortly before the start.
This subdivision alone shows the complexity of the subject of mental training and shows how important individual support is in this area.


Another point that is often underestimated is the issue of recreation. Many athletes train too much – due to a lack of professional advice or due to a lack of diligence. Too much exercise does more harm than good to the body and is one of the most common reasons why ambitious goals are not met. Therefore, the following generally applies: After a hard day of training, a long run or a 150-kilometer tour on a racing bike, it’s best to sleep in, do only moderate stress on the body and then go to the sauna to relax or leaf through the PS booklet in peace.

Expert interview

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Stefan Bettels from Ortema (left) and Christof Weib from Europeansports (right) look after professional and amateur athletes.

Only effective, targeted training leads to success in the medium term. Professional support is therefore essential – right from the start. We recommend that you make an appointment at a sports institute before you start training in order to analyze your current fitness level and create a targeted training plan based on these results. PS spoke to Christof Weib from Europeansports GmbH ( and Stefan Bettels from Ortema ( about specific requirements for committed hobby racers.

? Which muscle groups should you particularly train as a motorcyclist??

! White: Due to the high centrifugal, acceleration and deceleration forces when riding a motorcycle on the racetrack, the entire body is in principle stressed. The pelvis, shoulders and upper body are particularly stressed in almost every driving situation. Light pilots have advantages here, as the ratio of physical strength to body weight is more positive. Heavy riders have to train significantly more in order to achieve an adequate strength-to-weight ratio. Overall, one should try to achieve high body tension and a stable physical base.

Begging: Different muscle groups are stressed depending on the motorcycle class. In my opinion, the thigh muscles are particularly important. On the one hand, it must be able to withstand permanent vibrations, but on the other hand, especially in cross and trial areas, it must also be maximally powerful, i.e. be able to provide maximum power for a short time. Good core muscles are also important in order to maintain control of the motorcycle, for example when changing direction and hanging-off. After all, the driver wants to control the motorcycle, not the other way around. Otherwise, the forearms of the pilots in particular will be heavily stressed. Good muscles in the back, shoulders and neck can also help protect the body from injuries in the event of a fall.

? What is more important for hobby racers: strength or endurance training?

! White: With long loads such as a motorcycle race, it is important that the strength potential does not differ from start to finish. The main focus during training should therefore be on basic endurance and strength endurance. A permanent load with punctual repetitive load peaks, as they occur when braking, requires interval training forms. In addition to dumbbell and exercise training, working with the ergometer is therefore extremely important. In our institute we have developed ergometers that cyclically train the maximum strength for legs and arms in a specific sport. Intervals between six and 30 seconds are ideal for building this load tolerance.

? Which body regions are particularly often insufficiently trained in hobby racers??

! Begging: In our analyzes we find almost 90 percent weaknesses in the area of ​​the back thigh muscles. These muscles are important for knee safety and protect against slipping forward and against possible cruciate ligament tears. Otherwise, the list of deficits is broad: many pilots have an incorrect back-to-abdominal muscle ratio, while others suffer from a hunched back. Shoulder training is very important, as is forearm fitness. You can easily test it at home: Try to push a clothespin apart with two fingers, then you will notice how quickly you run out of strength.

? How long before the start of the season should you start strength training at the latest?

! Begging:
As early as possible, according to Sepp Herberger: After the season is before the season. The body must be permanently stressed in order to maintain the fitness resources. The most important thing is good basic endurance. Especially if you haven’t done anything for a long time, you should make sure to start slowly and not to overdo it when training your speed strength. Many athletes train too intensely and thereby damage their bodies. The most important thing is a good base. If you start training too late, you should definitely not push too hard, but increase your fitness level slowly and, if necessary, let the training plan run into the season.

! White: The training principle should follow the course of the year: After the end of the season, slowly lower the body and put extensive strain on it for some time. Then a break of about a month makes sense, after which you should slowly start training again. Winter makes the champions of summer sports. Anyone who overslept this also has weaknesses in the race. You are welcome to integrate winter sports into your strength and endurance training in January and February. If that doesn’t work, you should focus on classic endurance sports and accompanying strength training.

? With which other sport can the stresses of motorcycling be compared??

! Begging: If you keep in mind that Michael Schumacher lost around seven liters of water during a Formula 1 race, you can roughly imagine how severe the physical strain is in motorsport – especially since a motorcycle racer has to move a lot more than a formula -Pilot. The water loss and the pulse rate are extremely high. In my opinion, a one-hour motorcycle race can roughly be compared to a competitive half marathon. The common belief that sporty motorcycling on the racetrack is not strenuous must finally be pulled.

? And which alternative sports are suitable for training the body for motorcycling?

! White: Mountain biking, especially downhill, is particularly suitable for two-wheelers. Here the upper body is stressed to a similar extent and the coordinative stimuli are also present. Cross-country skiing is now also suitable for strengthening in winter, as it trains the upper back area. In general, winter sports are well suited to train coordination and develop a feeling for speed. Climbing is also suitable – it trains concentration, body tension, the arms and the general strength-endurance level.

? How should you behave immediately before the race and what can be done to avoid waking up with sore muscles the day after the race?

! White: When you go into a race, you are warmed up and focused. The body should be brought to an activity level that prepares it for the stresses of the race. Activation gives the brain more oxygen and you are there one hundred percent from the start. Motocrossers in particular often warm up on the ergometer before the race.

The same thing after the race: the body is extremely stressed and pumped full of lactate and stress hormones. These must be actively reduced. The best way to do this is through active regeneration, for example a light run, cycling or home trainer – anything that loads the circulation extensively in order to slowly reduce the activation level.

! Begging: Warm up appropriately before the race by jogging or cycling. You should also do some short speed strength exercises. In general, you should make sure to provide your body with enough fluids, but not to eat and drink too much before the race.

After the race you should bring your body back down by running, stretching and relaxing. The next day, the body has to regenerate, ideally in the swimming pool, in the sauna or by taking a leisurely run.

? How often should you have your fitness level checked by an expert??

! Begging: For recreational athletes, I recommend one or two visits to the institute per year. Once before, once after the season. In spring, an appointment in February or March is recommended, so there is still enough time to optimally organize the training until the start of the season and to get the body in shape.

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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips

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Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips


Service: Fit for the racetrack with the horsepower fitness tips



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