Against the drop in speed to 80 km / h, the Senate is counting on your contributions !
The reduction in speed to 80 km / h on the roads planned by the Prime Minister from July 1, 2018 finally had an advantage: highlighting the role of parliamentarians in the Senate and the National Assembly ! As part of the road safety working group, the senators notably opened a participatory space to collect contributions from the French. Explanations.
The objective of is to allow elected officials "to evaluate, without a priori, the usefulness and effectiveness for the fight against road insecurity of certain measures announced by the government, among which the reduction to 80 km / h of the maximum authorized speed on certain roads, and to formulate any proposal to strengthen the effectiveness of the fight against road insecurity ".
- MNC special file :
"Before submitting their conclusions at the end of April 2018, and keen to involve all of civil society in their thinking, the senators who are members of the working group invite you to send them your contribution through this participatory space", explain Michel Raison (The Republicans, Haute-Saône), Jean-Luc Fichet (PS, Finistère) and Michèle Vullien (Centrist Union, Rhône).
- MNC of February 28, 2018 : A bill against 80 km / h
- MNC of March 5, 2018 :
Two questions
- What do you think of the measure, announced by the government on January 9, 2018, of reducing from 90 km / h to 80 km / h the maximum speed allowed on two-way roads without a central separator, apart from two-way roads? both two lane and three lane roads ?
- Among the other measures announced by the government on January 9, 2018, which do you think are the most useful for effectively combating road insecurity? What measures, other than those announced by the government on January 9, 2018, do you consider useful to effectively combat road insecurity ?
Contempt and lack of Republican courtesy
The senators also denounce a government advertising campaign on the speed limit to 80 km / h in "more than 300 media of the national, regional, weekly and television daily press", which according to them illustrates the "contempt of the government" to towards parliament.
Members of the Senate Road Safety Working Group are astonished at the "launch of an expensive official press campaign claiming to show the French" why it is necessary to lower the maximum authorized speed "on certain roads".
- MNC of February 9, 2018 : Edouard Philippe still under pressure from senators
Michel Raison, Jean-Luc Fichet and Michèle Vullien declare "deeply regret this lack of Republican courtesy which ignores the work currently underway in Parliament to analyze the merits of this decision" while the chairman of the law commission Philippe Bas (Les Republicains, Manche) and the chairman of the regional planning committee Herve Maurey (Centrist Union, Eure) believe that "this contempt displayed for the control function of Parliament once again illustrates the hasty method of the government, then that road safety deserves thoughtful and concerted decisions ".
Hearings of associations
The working group is also continuing its hearings in order to see more clearly the ins and outs of this flagship measure of the IRB of January 9: after hearing the interministerial delegate for road safety, they will receive this afternoon representatives of the French Federation of Angry Bikers (FFMC), 40 million motorists, the automobile club of lawyers (ACDA) and the League of Drivers (LDC).
- Limitation to 80 km / h :
For the FFMC, road safety officer Marc Bertrand will explain "that another road safety is possible, based on prevention, education and sharing the road, not on surveillance, threats and arbitrariness".
- MNC of February 12, 2018 : 5000 bikers (according to the police!) In Normandy against 80 km / h
For 40 million motorists, President Daniel Quero will endeavor to "demonstrate that a lowered speed limit is of no interest in terms of reducing road accidents, firstly because such a measure does not act on the main causes of death on the road – which are alcoholism and drugs at the wheel – and because there are many examples, in France and abroad, which contradict the mathematical model which would like that "1% reduction in average speed allows a 4% reduction in road fatalities", the only argument put forward by the government to justify this decision to lower the speed ".
- MNC of February 13, 2018 : 40 million motorists return their voter card
"We will also stress the fact that this drop in the maximum authorized speed will undoubtedly cause a sharp increase in the number of speed camera fines and therefore represents a surplus of revenue for the State estimated at nearly 340 million d ‘euros! ", continues the general delegate of the association, Pierre Chasseray:" this obviously nourishes the feeling of generalized fed up against the ultra-repressive policy implemented by the government for years, even though any road safety policy should win the support of all road users ".
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