Companies are committed to road safety
Faced with the increase in road fatalities (+ 30% in September despite the delusional repression!), The government is encouraging French companies to make their employees better aware of the risks of the road. Prohibition of the mobile phone while driving or equipment adapted for biker employees are on the program.
The observation gives food for thought: "road accidents are the leading cause of death at work", calculates Road Safety, specifying that "483 people" have lost their lives during a business trip and that "4520" have had to be hospitalized following an accident on their home-work route in 2015. The government therefore asks companies to accentuate their preventive role with their employees, and especially to avoid pushing them to vice.
How? ‘Or’ What ? On the one hand by forcing them to denounce their employees flashed in excess of speed (read) and on the other hand by taking relating in particular to the prescription with the employees of the wearing of seat belts, sobriety at the wheel and on the handlebars and rest time during business trips. In addition, the use of the mobile phone while driving, the main working tool of all salespeople, is in the crosshairs of this agreement, which provides that its use must be limited "to emergency cases". To reduce this currently widespread use, the charter proposes, among other things, "to avoid initiating a telephone conversion with an employee in a driving situation" and to ask them to postpone their calls or to activate the driving mode of their telephone (which blocks calls) when driving.
1.1 million employees affected
For some, the process may be damn difficult insofar as making telephone appointments and following up on customers by telephone are positions that occupy a large part of their time! Despite these difficulties, this manifesto has so far been signed by 21 business leaders – including several companies wholly owned by the State, such as SNCF, La Poste or Renault – on Tuesday, October 11 in the presence of Myriam el khomri , Minister of Labor, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue (yes, all that!), and Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior. Which represents a total of "1.1 million" employees concerned.
Among the other measures, the pursuit of speeding is unsurprisingly among the most important, with concrete commitments never to place an employee "in a situation forcing him to commit a speeding ticket" and to always ask him "to assume the santion in the event of infringement". In short: the government is going into a situation of violation in order to be able to improve its sanctioning process. Remember that currently, infactions committed at the wheel and on the handlebars of a company vehicle do not involve a loss of point, unless the company communicates the identity of the driver (read again).
Finally, concerning the equipment of employees using a motorbike or scooter for professional purposes (delivery men and motorbike taxis, in particular), the 21 signatory bosses undertake to provide "compulsory safety equipment (certified helmets and gloves)" to their employees traveling on two-wheelers for their work (still happy!) and to develop "incentives for the use of additional equipment".
The 7 commitments
- We limit phone conversations while driving to emergencies
- We prescribe sobriety on the road
- We require the wearing of seat belts
- We do not accept exceeding authorized speeds
- We include moments of rest in the calculation of travel times
- We promote road safety training
- We encourage two-wheeler riders to better equip themselves
Bad practices of employees while driving: key figures (IFOP survey September 2016)
- 69% of employees surveyed use their smartphone while driving to call a colleague or a service provider. More than half of these employees believe that their working conditions and their objectives require them to call while driving. Editor’s note: it’s difficult to do otherwise when its geographical area often covers several thousand square kilometers, from the North of France to Paris for example !
- 68% admit to exceeding the authorized speed when there is a delay for an appointment or a delivery. 1 in 4 of these employees believe that the working conditions encourage them to exceed the authorized speed. Editor’s note: here again, the risk taken stems more from a fear of sanction from his company than from the usual bad behavior of the driver…
- 18% say they drive after drinking alcohol
- 1 in 2 of these employees claim to be encouraged to drink alcohol in the workplace. Editor’s note: ah, the traditional "little glass" to seal the signing of an agreement … But this practice is evolving and many salespeople no longer hesitate to opt for a coffee. It is also a question of generation: young working people are much more vigilant on this aspect, on the one hand because they have always known the pursuit of excess driving, on the other because they only have 6 points immediately withdrawn in the event of driving with alcohol during the first two years of their license…
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