Vietnam – Motorcycle trip: crossing Vietnam in a Honda Win – Episode 1: letting go …

Motorcycle tour: crossing Vietnam in Honda Win

Vietnam - Motorcycle trip: crossing Vietnam in a Honda Win - Episode 1: letting go ...

Enora, biker and yoga teacher in Paris, wanted a break. Deciding to live her dreams rather than dream her life, she sells her apartment to embark on a “ limitless ” journey and tells us about her crossing of Vietnam on a Honda Win 110 cc.

Episode 1: let go…

My name is Enora, 27 years old in a few days. I worked in Paris as a sports coach for clubs and individuals (more on massages and "rehabilitation"). I spent a lot of years on the benches of universities and worked in parallel.

It was after a trip to Thailand last March that I felt the click. It was time to review my life, no longer dream it but live my dreams, especially of travel, meetings, experience. I felt that I needed to go further, to stay longer in countries, to open my limits and no longer be confined to simple trips with a predefined goal (yoga teacher training, Thai massage. ..) and for a fixed period (by the obligations of my work).

Pushing other limits

My job and my training in sports studies have led me to push my physical limits many times. Now I want to push back many other personal limits, in particular this famous "letting go", this confidence in oneself, towards others, towards life..

I therefore resigned, in the process refusing the opportunity that presented itself to me to become a room manager. I left my apartment, sold and gave away loads of stuff. My trip began by lightening myself up, by detaching myself from lots of material things that ultimately did not bring me real happiness … Any country, any guest-house will then be my home, I am going on an indefinite trip to listening to my desires…

One destination is particularly close to my heart: Australia. For a long time I have dreamed of being able to express myself naturally in English and this is a real key to hope to work internationally, to communicate. So I applied for a "working holiday" visa, a great opportunity offered to young people. !

Australia, but without a plane ticket !

Then, I decide to cut the trip (cheaper, more fun and want to discover a little more the Asian art of living). So I decide to join a friend who lives in Bangkok to relax on an island and share our common love of yoga. The rest will be written gradually while listening to each other.

And I did not voluntarily take any plane ticket to Australia, just to give myself the opportunity to follow my desires in Asia.

So it will first be Laos (its mountains, its rivers, its French-style towns …), then I have my eye on Vietnam. This country intrigues me, I hear very divided opinions and I read that it is quite common to travel it on a motorcycle !

My heart beats at the idea of ​​rediscovering the freedom of the road, the pleasure of driving and … a little solitude. I actually took my motorcycle license in France about two years ago and I want to rediscover these sensations.

This journey seems a little crazy to achieve and all the more alone … But this sweet mixture of fear and madness calls me and the challenge pleases me! It promises to be damn exotic, wild, magical, strong, confusing…

Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia

I will finish my Asian loop in Cambodia, at the Angkor temple, for the magic, the beauty and the spirituality that seems to emanate from it, which I particularly appreciate.

Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia: there are 1000 ways to travel through these three countries, 1000 things to do, 1000 things to see … The range of possibilities is immense when you travel in freewheel! These limitless possibilities have sometimes scared me, but ultimately teach me to listen even more to myself, to what I really want to live and to let go..

I especially wanted to avoid going back and forth from one city to another, looking more for a smooth advance. So I chose this route, this loop from north to south, which allowed me to continuously advance towards what I could call the icing on the cake: Angkor…


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