Motorcross driver beats walkers

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Motorcross driver beats walkers
Police Department Koblenz


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Motorcross driver beats walkers

Police Boppard asks for help
Motocross rider beats walkers

On the afternoon of July 15, 2017, a motorcyclist allegedly hit a pedestrian in the face on a forest path in the Hunsruck. The Boppard police station is now looking for witnesses.

Manuel Fuchs


Original text of the press release

Morshausen (ots) – On Saturday afternoon there was a bodily harm offense in a wooded area in Morshausen. Three walkers were walking on a forest path in the area of ​​the Ulmeth district in the direction of Baybachtal when suddenly four motocross vehicles raced towards them. These were stopped by the people and should be confronted.

The situation escalated and one of the vehicle drivers suddenly hit one of the people in the face with his fist, causing him to fall to the ground. Then the perpetrator picked up a large branch and wanted to hit the person again with it. However, this could be prevented by another motocross rider as well as the other walkers.

The group then fled in an unknown direction. As a result of the slap in the face, the injured party suffered bleeding in the eye, which had to be treated in the hospital.

The Boppard police station is looking for witnesses who can provide information on the identity of the motocross rider (see photo) and asks for information on the telephone number 06742-8090 or by email to

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