Motorcyclist attacked with pitchfork

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Motorcyclist attacked with pitchfork


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Motorcyclist attacked with pitchfork

Motorcyclist attacked with pitchfork
Be careful in the Black Forest!

It’s unbelievable what happened to a KTM rider in the southern Black Forest: On the winding L 123 near the village of Wieden (south of Freiburg i. Br.) Suddenly a man jumps onto the road in front of the motorcycle and threatens the driver with a pitchfork.

Michael Schumann


The KTM rider evades and pauses briefly, apparently unable to grasp what his helmet camera has just filmed.

“What do you want from me?”, he calls out to the attacker. He yells back something incomprehensible. Actually a case for the police.

The KTM rider reacts correctly, does not allow a direct confrontation and continues to drive.

The man from Bavaria, who has been on vacation in the Black Forest and does not want to be named, goes to the police. He says in retrospect: “I didn’t feel like bothering.”

Now his video recorded with the helmet camera is making the rounds on the Internet. Would you have reacted just as prudently?

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Crime scene: the L123 near Wieden in the Black Forest

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MOTORCYCLE route via the L 123

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