Flat Track Racing – PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

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Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati
Jorg Kunstle

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Flat Track Racing – PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat track racing
PS was at the start with Ducati at the Krowdrace

Content of

Team PS competed in the Krodrace on a Ducati Scrambler. Stunt professional and hooligan drifter Jo Bauer took rookie Fabian by the hand for the first time on the Short Track Oval.

Fabian Dresler


There is only one flat track event on the calendar for Germany in 2019: The Krowdrace. It is thanks to Jorg Litzenburger – as the initiator of Glemseck 101, that there is even this one event – and Herrmann Kopf. Together with MSC Diedenbergen, they created a flat track race that should be suitable for all fans of the sport, from beginners to professionals.

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Krowdrace: Event flair

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

21 pictures

Images: Flat Track Racing

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Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle


More than 60 drivers answered the call to the vicinity of Frankfurt. In eight classes from newbie to hooligan drifter, they fought exciting duels over two days. Afterwards, Jorg Litzenburger was very satisfied with the rush of drivers who had come from all over Europe: “I am particularly pleased that we managed to bring absolute beginners and professionals together in the event.” Also important during this first flat track test run in Germany: “Except for a few small falls, nothing happened and nobody was seriously injured.”

Team PS: rookie and racer

Team PS took part in the Krowdrace together with Ducati Germany on two only slightly modified series scramblers. Rookie Fabian was coached on Scrambler Desert Sled by professional Jo Bauer. The conclusion of the two to the races: Everyone who wants to climb the oval will find a class for their level here.

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Krowdrace: drift action

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

18th pictures

Images: Flat Track Racing

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Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle


Unfortunately, the rookie did not make it to the finals of his class, but showed over the course of two days that at least restrained drifts can be learned over a weekend. Fabian used the Krowdrace as the starting signal for the “Rookie to Racer” project, in which he is aiming for the start of a 2020 racing series. From the highway driver to the racetrack is the motto. The individual steps can be read in PS.

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Krowdrace: Team PS

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

19th pictures

Images: Flat Track Racing

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Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle


Profi Jo thrilled with spectacular drift action from the first meter. The stunt driver was celebrated by the audience and went into the finals of the hooligan drifters as the secret favorite, which was made up of flat track pros Leah Tokelove and Lee Kirkpatrick from the European championship, who started on Indian FTR 1200 competition machines. Unfortunately, Jo went down while in the lead and missed the podium.

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Krowdrace: Final faux pas

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

18th pictures

Images: Flat Track Racing

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Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle

Flat Track Racing - PS competed in the Krowdrace with Ducati

Jorg Kunstle


Future still uncertain

According to their own statements, both drivers would be back at the start immediately for next year. It is not yet clear whether the Krowdrace 2020 will receive a second edition. “We will sit down in autumn and decide how things will continue,” said Jorg Litzenburger. A cautious statement, which is probably due to the rather low level of audience interest. When the weather forecast was unclear, only a few interested people found their way to MSC Diedenbergen. But everyone who was there was given a lot – that gives hope for the future.


Drift action, relaxed atmosphere and cool people. It would be a shame if the 2020 Krowdrace didn’t go into round two.

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