New survey
Great majority of Germans wants helmet duty for cyclists

dpa / ralf hirschberger / dpa central picture / dpa Do we need a helmet? Many, but not all cyclists have long been wearing a helmet.
The number of accident dots in Germany is steadily returning. But a group stands out negative: the cyclists. 71 percent of Germans would welcome more security through a helmet duty according to a survey. Experts are unseins about their meaning.
Not only the speed limit on highways is hotly discussed in Germany. Environmental associations and some parties – especially Green and SPD – demand a maximum of Tempo 130 on highways, the left 120. The effect of a speed limit for the environment and security is controversial. For surveys, there are usually a majority for the limit but a rather scarce.
It looks more clearly in helmet duty for cyclists. 71 percent of Germans advocate a helmet duty, while only 28 percent are against. This is the result of a representative FORSA survey under 1004 people from 16 years ago, which the TuV Association has done.
71 percent want helmet requirement for cyclists
"Cycling helmets reliably protect reliably from heavy head injuries," says Richard Goebelt, Head of Vehicle and Mobility at the TuV Association. A majority for helmet duty can be found in all groups of the population, with the approval of the older respondents being particularly large. In fact, these age groups are often involved in severe accidents – especially on the ever-faster e-bikes -. "If one is based on the share of seriously injured from 2019, for which there are detailed figures, 2020 has around 16 to calculations of the TuV Association.000 people in a bicycle accident so seriously injured that they had to be treated in the hospital stationary", Says the TuV Association. 2020 there was 426 dead in wheel accidents. For headlines, turning-off accidents, where cyclists were detected and killed in the dead angle of a truck.
Driving license for e-bike and e-scooter: in this country he will be duty Driving license for e-bike and e-scooter: in this country he will be duty
Bicycle lobby does not want helmet
The Radler counterpart to the ADAC, the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC), speaks against a general helmet requirement. "We reject a helmet obligation. It represents a serious intervention in the personality rights and leads to a decline in wheel use, "writes the Radler lobby in its traffic policy program.
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The reasons the ADFC introduces: "Especially newly developed safety technology in cars can easily avoid serious injury from cyclists and pedestrians or prevent typical accidents completely. We advocate that suitable assistance and security systems for cars and in particular trucks are developed and prescribed by law."
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Why you should not save in bicycle helmets
Site / Wochit Why you should not save in bicycle helmets
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Meaningless survey
Much of the respondents probably does not drive bike, and those is that too … no matter. Unstanted say something. Those who drive a lot to have a helmet anyway. But it is really pointless to set up a helmet in the residential area for 300 meters to the supermarket. To wear a helmet, that regulates itself! Nobody needs a duty.
Or just drive carefully
I still see too many cyclists who do not need to draw attention to each other before overtaking and then squeezing themselves through a 60 cm wide gap or drive in the dark without light or driving smoothly to narrow combined cycle paths and with the Setting Driving:"If something happens, I’m not blamed and if someone comes to harm, it is not my problem". Of course these people need a helmet. I have been cycling for over 40 years, driving primarily according to paragraph 1 of Stvo paragraph 1 and (!) 2 And can not remember me to have ever experienced a dangerous situation.
System is developed … A helmet protects. Point. Without this bowl, I would have survived an accident 2 years ago only with extreme consequential damage. This costs 50-100 euros and the ADFC says the motorists should spend thousands of euros for systems that then protect? An 8 kg of rubbing in free fall to the rear keeps none. Also not the best system that a car is ever. The accident numbers clearly prove that a helmet requirement is overdue.
Bicycle helmet? Safety belt? Airbag?
All these security ideas are maximally up to 80 km / h for motorists and only in standard situations. A bicycle helmet at a still smaller speed. Who drives 200 km / h and more on the highway, will be at a frontal impact, for example, against a bridge pier (which is more stable than any car) may hear / feel a few milliseconds the explosion of the airbag, the airbag feel at his face and then it gets dark… forever. Even worse: A car drives with 200 km / h the other with 100 km / h, impact speed so 300 km / h. Anyone who comes to this risk has significantly higher chances of survival at the Russian roulette. One can "joyful" be, if remains are found that the relatives could berry.
I drive himself wheel
with helmet and above all things with a traffic-proof bicycle. Incidentally, in the dark also with light. With a red traffic light, I can even stop it and wait for green. I would not only be for a helmet requirement, I would also be for many more controls above all the technical condition of the bikes. What is often driving through the area, does not belong to the street anymore. Furthermore, I am for a kind of license plate so that the anonymous rule-free driving is no longer possible.
The Radclub demands from the drivers U.Car owners more "security technology" to the cars. This is of course the easiest demand to the policy the auto industry. The club must focus his attention to the judges he represents. Their behavior in road traffic is predominantly guilt on the accidents, in the cyclists as causer, but ultimately also victims are involved. Knowledge of the StVO, absolutely poor. Earnings rules, right-u.Left-traffic, different traffic lights, pedestrian protection routes are usually unknown, which shows in the behavior of many cyclists in road traffic. Absolutely uncertain freight whitening, especially of older people on the so-called e-bikes, are serious as the speed is not considered in these wheels!
Then the 90% advocates should wear their bicycle helmet. I determine ourselves about possible risks and my health and will still not carry a helmet!
Do not even drive car without being strapped or? Do not wear a helmet when motorcycling?
Sense and nonsense
My grandparents recently told me about the meaning and nonsense of a seatbelt in the car. Nowadays it is the bicycle helmet. Our whole family goes with helmet. My son has already driven on the impeller with helmet. Who does not protect yourself, I’m really sorry. And who rejects a bicycle helmet as an intervention in the personality rights, I do not feel sorry …
That is soo typical German.
Everyone who wants that can set up a driving helmet, from me also in bed. But we therefore need a new legal obligation? Should really be regulated by law or does our constitutional right to individual freedom still mean something. Fahrhahlelm is reasonable but let it decide for yourself.
More and more need a helmet
In my opinion, more and more cyclists need a helmet because they drive very dangerous. So I do not mean egal driving over a foot / cycling camp in red or the slow driving of a walkway if no one comes, but the general recklessness to pedestrians, other cycling and also against cars and trucks. Since with a lowered head, stubbornly drove straight ahead, no matter what there comes: "I’m on the bike path, I can drive here 30 km / h when there is an accident, I’m not blamed."