Radars – Manuel Valls wants to limit the roads to 80 km-h … –

Manuel Valls wants to limit the roads to 80 km / h…

Radars - Manuel Valls wants to limit the roads to 80 km-h ... -

After the ring road from 80 to 70 km / h, national and departmental roads could soon be limited to 80 km / h instead of 90 … It is indeed the new red rag that the government is waving to hide its inability to solve the real problems – economic crisis, unemployment, security, …

After the, national and departmental roads could soon be limited to 80 km / h instead of 90 … It is indeed the new red rag that the government is waving to hide its inability to solve the real problems – economic crisis, unemployment, security, social cohesion, the future of youth, there is no shortage of topics.

As for the "quenelles" affair, it is again the Minister of the Interior who sticks to it: questioned this morning by BFMTV, Manuel Valls gave his green fire to experiment in "several departments" (without specifying how much) the limitation to 80 km / h on national and departmental.

"I hope from this year 2014, perhaps from the start of the school year," he said, adding that "I believe that we must experiment, we need educational work vis-à-vis of our fellow citizens. Many fellow citizens, motorists have the feeling that we are restraining them, that we are constantly punishing them, that we are preventing them from driving (oh, really, Editor’s note?), I want to convince them that this type of measurement can be useful, so we will probably experiment with it ".

While mortality on French roads is at its lowest (3,250 killed in 2013, a record drop of -11% compared to, already a record drop of -8%!), The Minister is now waiting to receive the proposals of the National Road Safety Council and committee of experts working on the issue…

"Let us dare to say it, it is false"

In the meantime, the 40 Million Motorists Association emphasizes that "Manuel Valls’ statement seems to be deeply influenced by the precepts of some anti-car lobbies using ancient mathematical formulas to support a drop in the number of accidents. 1 km / h less average speed instantly reduces mortality by 4%, which is undoubtedly why Manuel Valls, who wishes to achieve ambitious road safety objectives, listens attentively to their arguments ".

"Let us dare to affirm it, it is false", continues the association which asked for an appointment with the Minister of the Interior and will launch in February a "big operation of reinformation aiming at restoring the truth on the figures of the accidentality and the ineffectiveness of this measure ". Because "if we follow this absurd theorem, it is at the places where the speed is the highest that we should observe the most accidents. And obviously, this is not the case", notes 40 million motorists : "better still, 2012 saw a re-increase in the average speeds observed on our French roads. According to this same theorem, we should have witnessed an increase in accidents. On the contrary, 2012 was the year resulting in a remarkable drop in the number of accidents ".

"When we talk about speed, it is a question of fighting against the speed not adapted to the traffic conditions and this is never detected by an automatic machine", once again reminds the association.

"The fed up is now!"

For its part, the French Motorcycling Federation (FFM) wonders "how the road user can still endure such repression, when the automobile and motorcycling industry is already at its worst, that the population is already severely reprimanded. financially or judicially for small offenses "…

The motorcycle sporting body in France proclaims that "fed up, it’s now", because "even if for the moment it is only a question of a test limited to a few departments, we can think that the Minister of the Interior already has strong ideas on this subject and is preparing an effective reduction throughout the territory "…

"Curb the privatization of highways"

As for the French Federation of Angry Bikers (FFMC), it "denounces this regulatory escalation which consists in always monitoring, blaming and ultimately forcing users, rather than working on other alternatives". The FFMC notably cites the following proposals:

  • "finally provide resources for training, the eternal poor relation of road safety"
  • "slow down the privatization of highways, the safest networks, but unfortunately the most expensive"
  • "take into account the specific traffic characteristics of 2WD users, the most fragile category, yet deliberately left aside by the committee of experts who do not consider these users to be numerous enough, unlike the mass of motorists on which their calculations are based and their security theories "

The association also recalls that "road safety should be sharing the road, calming behavior, anticipation … but with road safety inside, it is still and always the method. strong and the repression that we find outside! With this announcement, the Minister puts the users of motorized dexu-wheels up to the wall while as a representative of 2WD users, the FFMC participated in the discussions initiated by this same minister… if the discussion is over, if it has only served to make things look pretty, if the stick is out again, then the Angry Bikers will only be left with their traditional means of expression ".

To be continued on MNC: stay connected !

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