Radars – Speed ​​limit at 80 km-h: Emmanuel Barbe admits that the experimentation was not sufficient … –

Speed ​​limit at 80 km / h: Emmanuel Barbe admits that the experiment was not enough…

Radars - Speed ​​limit at 80 km-h: Emmanuel Barbe admits that the experimentation was not sufficient ... -

Asked about France Info about the drop in speed to 80 km / h, the interministerial delegate curiously assured that the results of the experiment carried out for two years on 81 km were good… but insufficient to make a good accidentological study !

In a magnificent outpouring of government solidarity, French officials continue to try to make citizens believe that their real problem, their number one emergency, the key to all their problems, is the number of road accidents (thank you for scratch unemployment educational level tax evasion delinquency and social injustice from the list of your concerns).

  • MNC of 5 December 2017 :

To better prepare the French for the new increase in compulsory levies that this drop in speed on the secondary network would inevitably lead to, with its inevitable shower of additional fines, the Ministry of the Interior has tried to explain that of January 18, 2018, but the Prime Minister himself declared on Twitter that he was instead of 90…

"I refuse to take advantage of it because it is not enough to make a good accidentological study"

It does not matter that the number of deaths on French roads has been halved in ten years (and by 5 in 40 years, without even taking into account the explosion in traffic!): It is now the turn of the interministerial delegate, , to step up to explain on France Info that "if the 44 million vehicles in circulation in France go slower, there will be fewer accidents, it is quite mechanical: the fact that it would reduce the number of accidents and the number of deaths, there is no shadow of a doubt ".

  • France Info of December 11, 2017 :
  • MNC of January 20, 2014 :

But: concerning the results of, the former Minister of the Interior, Mr. Barbe admits that this is not enough to draw significant lessons: "we obviously have results, it worked to lower the speed enough significantly, it has had an impact on the fact that there are a few more people who are slightly speeding and it has rather favorable results in terms of accidents, but I simply refuse to take advantage of it because two years and such a short section (81 km, Editor’s note!), it is not enough to make a good accidentological study "…

Radars - Speed ​​limit at 80 km-h: Emmanuel Barbe admits that the experimentation was not sufficient ... -

"This is the new red rag that the government is waving to hide its inability to solve the real problems – economic crisis, unemployment, security", we wrote there about this drop to 80 km / h then supported by Manuel Valls (but yes, the former prime minister) and taken over today by the government of Edouard Philippe (but yes, the bearded man) … History "in motion", in short ?!

  • Sign the petition of 40 million motorists

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