Radars – The prefect of the Gironde wants to cancel the anti-private radar decree of Jean-Bernard Dufourd –

The prefect of the Gironde wants to cancel the anti-private radar decree of Jean-Bernard Dufourd

Radars - The prefect of the Gironde wants to cancel the anti-private radar decree of Jean-Bernard Dufourd -

Believing that "driving the vehicle with an on-board camera system in operation can lead to loss of attention", the mayor of Naujac-sur-Mer (33) is based on article R412-6 of the highway code for prohibit the circulation of private radar cars in your municipality. But the prefecture asks him to withdraw this order, under penalty of cancellation by the administrative court … Explanations.

The mayor of Naujac-sur-Mer, a peaceful village of 800 souls nestled in the tip of the Medoc, wishes to establish "the ban on traffic on the entire road network of the town of all vehicles equipped with on-board camera systems in operation ". In short: the new radar cars entrusted to private operators, who have already started to make the pockets ensure the safety of motorists and motorcyclists in Normandy…

  • MNC of February 27, 2017 :
  • MNC of April 24, 2018 :

This is the subject of his next order … "if nothing stops me !!!", however predicts Jean-Bernard Dufourd, 68, from Lignières-Sonneville (16).

And indeed: the prefect Didier Lallement – former director of the Ministry of Transport under Jacques Chirac and former Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior under François Hollande – immediately let it be known that there was no question of having fun with it !

"The concern is to see the State disengage"

"Decree A / 2018/39 of 2 May 2018 by which the mayor of Naujac-sur-Mer prohibits traffic on the entire road network of his municipality to any vehicle equipped with" on-board camera systems in operation "was transmitted to the legality control of the sub-prefecture of Lesparre-Medoc on May 7, 2018", indicates a press release from the prefecture: "this municipal decree being illegal, the prefect of Gironde asks the mayor of Naujac-sur- Mer the withdrawal of his act. In case of refusal, the decree will be referred by the prefect of the Gironde to the administrative court for annulment "…

Good atmosphere in the vineyard! The order of Jean-Bernard Dufourd is probably very unlikely to withstand the test of the administrative court … but it was all the same well tried !

"The elected representative that I am wanted above all to convey the message that it is not acceptable to delegate to the private sector missions that fall to the State," said the mayor to our colleagues in the South West. "I am not against the speed checks carried out by the police. That is not the problem. The concern is to see the state disengage." What if other mayors follow his path ?

In the meantime, MNC welcomes the initiative of this elected official who does not lack humor: last summer, he did not hesitate to put the rope around his neck, tied to a fence, explaining in the name of the "Protective Society of the elders "that" the good days are here … do not abandon your old people! "

Order of the mayor establishing the ban on traffic on the entire road network of the municipality of Naujac-Sur-Mer to all vehicles equipped with on-board camera systems in operation

Municipality of Naujac-sur-Mer
Lesparre district
Department of Gironde
A / 2018/39

The mayor of the municipality of Naujac-sur-Mer,

Having regard to the highway code, and in particular article R412-6. Every driver must keep himself constantly in good condition and in a position to execute without delay all the maneuvers incumbent on him. Prohibited from placing in the driver’s field of vision any device fitted with a screen which does not constitute an aid to driving or navigation.

Considering that the driver’s vigilance may be impaired and his inattention may be caused by the presence of on-board camera systems in operation. The cases of inattention by the driver of a vehicle are numerous and varied and cannot lend themselves to a precise enumeration. A general offense remains necessary in order to sanction all dangerous behavior effectively. All other potentially dangerous behavior in a driving situation thus falls within the scope of the general criminalization referred to in article R. 412-6..

Considering that driving the vehicle, with an on-board camera system in operation, can result in loss of attention and in fact control of the vehicle by its driver, the cause of dangerous and accidental maneuvers.

Stopped :

  • Art. 1st. – Traffic is prohibited on all roads in the municipality of Naujac-Sur-Mer, to all vehicles equipped with on-board camera systems, which may affect the driver’s attention.
  • Art. 2. – This decree does not apply to the police services and the National Gendarmerie.
  • Art. 3. – This decree will be posted in the town of Naujac-sur-Mer, by the mayor.

– Mr. The Deputy Prefect of Lesparre
– Mr. Mayor of Naujac-sur-mer
– Mr. the Commander of the Gendarmerie of Lesparre

Each person responsible for the execution of this decree.

Done in Naujac-sur-Mer, April 25, 2018.

The mayor,
Jean-Bernard DUFOURD

The elected against the 80 km / h


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