Road safety – Road Safety is campaigning for the wearing of suitable equipment –

Road Safety is campaigning for the wearing of suitable equipment

Road safety - Road Safety is campaigning for the wearing of suitable equipment -

Road Safety has just launched a new campaign to remind motorcyclists and scooter riders the importance of being well equipped when riding a motorcycle or scooter.

Road Safety has just launched a new campaign to remind motorcyclists and scooter riders the importance of being well equipped when riding a motorcycle or scooter.

At the end of a study carried out in France between February and March 2014 with 500 two-wheeler drivers aged 16 and over, it appears that 70% of those questioned "admit to having fallen at least once from their machine", explains Road Safety, which has produced a film allowing you to imagine your skin in contact with the asphalt at 30 km / h … Guaranteed "brrrr" effect !

"On a motorbike or scooter, without complete equipment, you risk leaving your skin there"

In addition, one allows "to self-assess his level of protection", from the infamous tourist in shorts-thongs-tank top to the biker equipped from head to toe with certified clothing and an airbag.

Objective: to make scooter riders and bikers aware of the "need for suitable AND complete equipment, including on short journeys", specifies Road Safety. Testimonials (below) and several fairly telling figures complete this operation.

Based on the TNS Sofres survey, on the 2012 results of the National Road Safety Observatory (ONSR) and on a study carried out by the emergency services of Rhône hospitals, Road Safety ensures that "16% of scooter riders do not have any equipment ", that" 24% "of users (all categories included) ride without" reinforced jacket ", that" 12% "do not have" suitable gloves "and that" 72% "of bikers and scooter riders ignore "reinforced pants".

Promote the wearing of standardized equipment

Users of two and three wheels account for "31% of injured" and "32% of hospitalizations" in accident statistics, calculates the government body, while they represent only "2% of traffic". Too bad that Road Safety "forgets" to mention a small yet very important detail: in 50% of accidents involving a two-wheeler and a car, it is the motorist who is responsible according to the …

However, even with an excellent level of equipment, going over a hood because a driver was too busy sending an SMS to respect a priority will always leave consequences for the biker or a scooter rider … This campaign awareness raising is nevertheless commendable and takes place within the framework of the charter, aimed at promoting the wearing of standardized equipment among two-wheeled users.

Testimony of Dr François Genet (Garches hospital)

Testimony of a biker using an airbag

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