Sporty – The Supersport that makes Japan tremble! – Contact: a ballerina who doesn’t like to be shaken!

The Supersport that shakes Japan !

Sporty - The Supersport that makes Japan tremble! - Contact: a ballerina who doesn't like to be shaken!

The Triumph Daytona has been terrorizing the Supersport category since 2006, thanks to its rigorous chassis and its enchanting 675 cc three-cylinder engine! Refined in 2009, the English sportswoman has not lost any of her charm and raises the level of a notch… Test !

Contact: a ballerina who doesn’t like to be shaken !

Purring gently in slow motion while waiting to attack the superb roads chosen for our test between Rethel and Revins (08), the two machines deliver the same raucous soundtrack at will through their adaptable mufflers (Arrow for our model of test and Devil for our reader’s 2006 model). As embedded "in" the sports car, the pilot takes full advantage of the compactness of the three-cylinder and the tilted position on the front which – in addition to the agility of a ballerina! -, give the feeling of directly holding the front wheel axle between your gloves !

Easy and docile at low speed, the new 675 Daytona 2009 gets out of town with ease thanks to a flexible engine (the sixth picks up at 50 km / h at 2000 rpm without flinching!) Well supported by a gearbox sweet. The opportunity to appreciate well-placed and easily adjustable mirrors, but also the correct turning radius despite the presence of a steering damper.

Obviously, these considerations are valid for the category: the radical position, the extreme bite of the front brake, the exhaust line which heats the buttocks of the pilot – while the silencer takes care of those of the passenger! – and the rising heat of the engine in traffic jams quickly make you want to desert the congested streets in favor of well-paved departmental roads…

Full throttle, the Dayto ‘2009 hangs over 130 km / h on first gear, well wedged behind a bubble a little less protective for the older ones. A slight kick to increase the second on the fly and reach 169 km / h in second, then 199 km / h in third once the switch has reached 15,000 rpm! No doubt, even mechanically clamped by a wedge to the injection rail, the "3-legged" 675 cc sends big !

Especially since this good health is coupled with an angry noise and a torque present from low revs: "the engine delivers more than 60 Nm of torque from 3,500 rpm", confirms Triumph !

Except that the British engine still gives up nearly 25 hp when crossing the Channel (128 hp in full) … And if the continuous thrust of the mill manages to create an illusion in the French version, long reports and inability turning the handle to the bottom cruelly stifle its flights. The tests of times with the unbridled 675 Daytona 2006 (not good!) Will confirm it: the 2009 vintage takes – logically – a suitcase on all the reports and at all the modes !

A test run on the previous "full" version confirms our regrets concerning this "Franco-French" specificity: if the engine behavior is exactly the same – the go-around is however more brutal on the 2006 -, the acceleration is much more consistent and tasty. The machine roars at 10,000 rpm in the red zone, relieving the front wheel in second, where the 2009 model struggles to lift in first…

That said, even restrained, the Triumph remains more torquey and resumes more efficiently than any four-cylinder medium displacement. Like the girlfriends, the English girl simply has to leave part of her character and a big sleazy of performance at the border … The beauty however makes up for it with its dazzling precision cycle part: the 2009 Daytona is thrown by the rope like zero other by giving the impression of always being able to enter a curve faster !

Lightning-quick when changing angles, the 2009 675 Daytona plays off snaps and pafs with relaxation. The slightest pressure on the inner footrest allows you to tighten the trajectory at will! The other side of the coin: with its minimalist wheelbase (1395 mm), its radical geometry and its featherweight, the machine is a bit nervous in the front when the hour strikes arousal …

Reminding its pilot not to exceed the measure on the road, the front of the Triumph hardly appreciates slight bumps at the exit of a curve or undulations approached full angle at high speed. Nothing dangerous, but the steering damper – not adjustable – sometimes struggles to curb the ardor of the sportswoman.

A phenomenon certainly less marked on the billiards of a circuit … but also on the 2006 model of Stephane, whose pneumatic mounting differs: "it is true that the 2009 is even more lively and its front axle inspires more confidence than with mine when entering a curve … but a little less when exiting if the asphalt is crumpled !", Fanfan analysis."However, I chose to ride a Michelin Pilot Power at the front and a Pilot Road 2 CT at the rear, to be able to do a lot of road and go to my parents’ place near Bordeaux.".

With such a difference in pneumatic orientation (the Pirelli Supercorsa SP are closer to the slick than the Sport-GT tire!), The analysis is undoubtedly flawed. But our first test of the 675 Daytona – mounted in a Pirelli – when it was released in 2006 (read our) did not leave us this feeling of nervousness ahead..

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