Fitness training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists

Endurance 1.) The climber uses all of your muscles. The exerciser is in an upright position. The hands should best grip the comb grip and not cramp.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Endurance 2.) The hand crank ergometer (standing or sitting) loosens and strengthens the shoulder girdle. The torso must remain stable even with rapid turning movements.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Coordination 1.) When balancing on the rope, every shift in weight must be compensated for immediately. Looking ahead works wonders.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Coordination 2.) The one-legged stance on a moving platform in combination with throwing exercises is a challenge for advanced users.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Coordination 3.) The rope pull exercise on unstable ground allows the nervous system to run at full speed and at the same time ensures a strong activation of the muscles responsible for stabilization.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 1 a) Training with the cervical spine trainer is movement training for the cervical spine. The posture-stabilizing muscles in the neck and chest area are trained. The head cushion must lie in the middle of the back of the head.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 1 b) The head is moved back and forth in a horizontal movement. The end position of the head is the “long neck” with a slight double chin. The head is not tilted backwards, there is no nodding movement.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 2 a) The back press trains the upper back muscles. The muscles trained here prevent the hunchback posture often observed in motorcyclists.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 2 b) The arms are moved back against the padding. The shoulder blades are brought together at the back. Keep your shoulders down during the exercise.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 3.) The external rotation on the cable train exercises the rotator cuff of the shoulder. It helps avoid arching shoulders.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

The upper arm lies close, the forearm is angled at 90 degrees and pulls outwards from the center.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 4.) The arm extension on the pulling device trains the triceps. The upper arms lie against the body, the forearms are stretched downwards.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

The elbows remain on the sides of the body, the shoulders are at the back and the chest is upright.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 5.) The back extensor: From the hanging position, the spine is rolled up vertebra by vertebra into the horizontal.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Activated abdominal muscles stabilize the lumbar spine and avoid a hollow back.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 6.) The lateral torso raise is an important exercise for stabilizing posture and trains the lateral abdominal muscles very effectively. Important: The person exercising lies exactly on their side. In the starting position, the body forms a straight line from the feet to the head end.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

The upper body is angled up and brought back into a straight line.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 7.) With the Dr. Wolff Spine simulates trunk loads that arise when the bike tilts. Promotes body awareness.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 8.) To train the forearm muscles, the forearm is placed on a support or on the thigh. The dumbbell is gripped from above. The wrist is bent downwards in the starting position and is stretched upwards during the exercise.
9.) The gripping muscles can be trained with “spring grip dumbbells”, which are available in sports shops.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 10.) The arm adduction puts pressure on the handlebars: The arm spread at shoulder height is pulled towards the body.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Keep the elbow joint slightly bent, the shoulders down.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 11.) Dynamic one-legged stance with dumbbells: In “Handlebar position” and a slight squat, the body’s center of gravity is permanently and playfully shifted.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 12.) When doing push-ups with an exercise ball, the lower legs are on the ball. The arms are bent from extension until the shoulders are level with the elbows and extended again. Don’t sag.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 13.) When doing a side kick with a medicine ball, you lie sideways on the mat. The lower legs lie on top of each other on the ball. The upper body rests on the forearm, the body tension must prevent the hips from sagging.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Strength training 14 a) In the case of the bridge with the medicine ball, lie back left on the mat. The lower legs lie on the ball, the hands next to the body. The body forms a straight line.

Fitness training for motorcyclists

14 b) As an additional exercise, one leg can be raised in a stretched position. Do not let the pelvis bend down on one side.


Driving experience & Driving tips

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists
Use the winter

Those who are physically fit on the motorcycle can enjoy the dynamics more, make fewer mistakes, tire more slowly and are less prone to injury in the event of a fall. With expert help, MOTORRAD shows what an effective performance cure in winter can look like.

Markus Biebricher

December 09, 2019

The motorcycle is in hibernation. But what about us, the drivers? Do nothing for the body in winter? Do you eat and drink lavishly over Christmas? Experience and reflexes will fix it? Nothing there. It is our duty, also the upper part of the machine, to bring the people into shape. Of course, there cannot be a standard fitness program that is equally suitable for every type of motorcyclist. Drivers and machines are far too different. Nevertheless, we want to try to provide a wide range of riders with basic exercises that will help you to be more body conscious and make you ride your motorcycle more relaxed and safer.

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Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists
Use the winter

7 pages) as PDF

€ 2.00

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Gym is ideal

A fitness studio with its variety of training options is ideal for this. We explain what a training course there could look like that targets the needs of a touring or frequent driver. Every activity should be initiated with a warm-up phase, after which exercises for body coordination can be carried out, extremely important in the border area or when stop-and-go in the field. Then strength training helps to reduce typical motorcyclist postural damage through targeted muscle building or to support the parts of the body that are particularly stressed when driving.

The following endurance training strengthens our cardiovascular system, ensures longer concentration and sustained physical performance. At the beginning, a detailed cardiovascular test on a suitable device should provide the basic data for the intensity of an effective endurance training.

Main elements of the training:

The basic elements of touring driver training are the warm-up phase and endurance training. Both training sections run on the same equipment. Body coordination is trained on unstable surfaces. The focus is on training balance and body awareness. Strength training forms the third pillar of training. It counteracts incorrect posture and strengthens the body parts that are heavily stressed when driving.

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Jowa Bacher is a qualified sports scientist and sports therapist. He heads the Gesundfit studio of the Bergisch Gladbach gymnastics club and works as a consultant in health sports .

Jowa Bacher, graduate sports scientist and sports therapist: “Hardly any road user is exposed to higher physical and mental demands than a motorcyclist. Acceleration forces and braking maneuvers often strain the arm, shoulder and neck muscles to over the limit of their load capacity, centrifugal forces pull the neck.

All of this allows only one conclusion: Motorcyclists should work on their fitness. That is why I have put together an exercise program that is tailored to the specific loads of bikers. If you cannot find all of the equipment presented here in your studio, your trainer will suggest alternatives. An individual status check should be carried out before the start. I wish you success!”

Endurance training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists


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Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists



At the beginning of the training there is the warm-up phase, at the end there is the endurance training. Ten minutes to warm up is enough. Most fitness studios have various cardio machines that can be used for both warm-up and cardio training. The warm-up should be easy, the exerciser must not tire.

Motorcyclists should prefer equipment in an upright posture. Climbers, cross trainers or hand crank ergometers that can be used standing up are ideal. During endurance training, the cardiovascular system should be brought to the pulse rate that the trainer has calculated for this purpose. Many studios also offer endurance training in the form of courses, such as spinning. It goes without saying that every training session should end with a relaxed cool-down phase.

Coordination training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists



Body coordination training, which is extremely important for safe motorcycling, includes all components of movement control. The better a movement can be coordinated, the less effort it requires. In driving practice, improved coordination for the motorcyclist means: the reactions become faster, movements are more precise, fatigue occurs later, there is less muscular tension, the risk of accidents is reduced. Training on unstable surfaces improves coordination because the body has to fight for balance. There are reflexively controlled compensatory movements that challenge and train our nervous system.

Such training is called “proprioceptive training” in physiotherapy. The proprioceptors are locomotor organs that are embedded in joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. They provide information about the state of tension in the muscles and the position of the joints, and they regulate the interaction of all organs involved in a movement at lightning speed.

Strength training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Fitness training for motorcyclists

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Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists

Photo: Biebricher

Fitness training for motorcyclists


Fitness training for motorcyclists



Effective strength training aims to build the general muscle corset. This protects against falls because it can absorb loads to a certain extent. Strength training should also strengthen those muscles that counteract typical motorcyclist postural errors. In addition, muscles have to be built up in places where particular loads arise when driving. These include the forearm muscles, which move and stabilize the wrist, as well as the gripping muscles of the fingers. In a sporty, forward leaning posture, the arm extensors are permanently stressed, hard braking maneuvers give them the rest. Chest and oblique abdominal muscles are always challenged when a lot of cornering is on the program. Some studios offer computer-controlled strength testing of various muscle groups, which reveals weaknesses and strengths and can optimize the training plan.

Medicine ball as an unstable base

With increasing fitness, exercises can be built into the training plan that require a higher level of basic strength and the ability to stabilize. By providing traditional strength exercises with an unstable surface, these exercises receive all the advantages of the proprioceptive training already mentioned. In addition to the muscles, which are in the foreground in the respective exercise, the entire core muscles and coordination are intensively trained. In our exercise examples, the exercise ball and medicine ball serve as an unstable surface.


Let’s not kid ourselves: the majority of motorcyclists sit in an unhealthy position on the bike. Problem number one is the head, which is carried far too far in front of the body’s center of gravity. Drivers of all types of motorcycle stretch their heads forward like a bird. Problem number two is the shoulders that are pulled up too often. A phenomenon that can be observed from cruiser to super sports driver. The shoulders are rotated inward, that is, tilted too far forward and up. Especially on longer journeys, every driver can observe an increasing hunchback, which causes the chest to collapse and the stomach to bulge out. These posture errors make safe, relaxed, healthy and confident long-distance driving more difficult. Our exercises help you look better on the bike for your own benefit.

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