Motorcycle-friendly: Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner

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Motorcycle-friendly: Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner
ADAC Saarland

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Motorcycle-friendly: Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner

Motorcycle-friendly: Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner
Awarded by ADAC and DEHOGA

Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner was announced on March 6, 2017 as part of a ceremony at ADAC Saarland e. V. awarded the seal of quality “motorcycle-friendly accommodation”.

Manuel Fuchs


According to surveys by the Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil-Club e. V. (ADAC) in Germany a market with enormous potential. In order to meet the specific demands of motorcyclists, more and more accommodations are tailoring their offers to them. So too Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner at the Bostalsee, recently launched by ADAC Saarland e. V. and the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) Saarland e.V. has been certified as a “motorcycle-friendly hotel and restaurant business”.

With its varied, pristine landscape and an excellently developed road network, the Saarland offers ideal tour options. ADAC and have been carrying out joint certification for a number of years as a guide for motorcycle vacationers. The criteria include, for example, secure motorcycle parking spaces and drying facilities for wet motorcycle clothing. A neutral commission checks the criteria on site.

Award for Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner

That Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner fulfilled the requirements and was announced on March 6, 2017 as part of a ceremony at ADAC Saarland e. V. awarded the seal of quality.

The deputy hotel manager Cindy Manfra was delighted: “The entire team of the Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner is very proud that the criteria for this certificate were met. The target group of motorcyclists has changed a lot in recent years. Instead of just getting around, enjoyment is often the focus today. The Saarland has so much to offer especially for these riders, and we hope that more and more motorcycle holidaymakers will recognize the charm of this region in the future. “

More motorcycle-friendly hotels at

About Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner (own representation)

Victor’s Seehotel Weingartner is located, surrounded by a spacious garden, only a stone’s throw away from the Bostalsee, the largest recreational lake in southwest Germany. The traditional four-star hotel with 99 rooms in a tasteful country house style impresses with family warmth and a comprehensive pampering philosophy.

The guests appreciate the personal hotel management, the sophisticated cuisine with Saarland specialties and the varied offer from rock swimming pools to the romantic spa in a separate, restored country house.

The hotel, which was founded in 1977 at the same time as the Bostal reservoir, is one of the most famous addresses in the area with its dazzling history. It is an ideal starting point for the leisure activities of the St. Wendeler Land and the Saar-Hunsruck nature park, which are equally enthusiastic about active vacationers, culture lovers and families.

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