Victory for Saxon police

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Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Victory for Saxon police

Victory for Saxon police

Victory for Saxon police

Victory for Saxon police

8th pictures

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Victory police motorcycles for Saxony’s police authority.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Victory police motorcycles for Saxony’s police authority.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Victory police motorcycles for Saxony’s police authority.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Victory police motorcycles for Saxony’s police authority.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Saxony’s Minister of the Interior, Markus Ulbig, commissioning a laptop installed on the motorcycle.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

Saxony’s Interior Minister Markus Ulbig on a police victory.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

A colleague from the motorcycle team explains the motorcycle and how it works.

Victory for Saxon police
Police headquarters in Chemnitz

A colleague of the motorcycle squadron inspecting a truck after it was directed from the federal highway to the parking lot where the presentation of the Victory police motorcycles took place.


traffic & business

Victory for Saxon police

Police victories for Saxony
Victory against bad guys

Saxony’s police are expanding their vehicle fleet. But with what, that is surprising. The motorcycle police officers are now also on the road with motorcycles from the former Polaris brand Victory.

Michael Schumann


The Chemnitz Police Department proudly presented the latest addition to the fleet. In and around Chemnitz, officials will in future be allowed to have four fully equipped Cross country Tour models of the US brand Victory (discontinued at the beginning of 2017) are on patrol.

It weighs around seven hundred pounds Victory Cross Country (90 PS, 1700 cubic V2) already in the civil version. In the Saxon police version, in addition to the signal light system and radio, there is also an integrated laptop for search inquiries, radar pistol, drug screener and devices for measuring vehicle emissions and volume. “Police car on two wheels” That’s what Saxony’s Interior Minister Markus Ulbig called the Sachsen-Krader.

Victorys worth 196,000 euros

According to the police, the four victories for which the US company Polaris intends to offer spare parts for ten years after the brand was discontinued in spring 2017 are worth 196,000 euros. 85 percent of the purchase price of the US machines in Chemnitz was financed from EU funds.

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Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Victory for Saxon police

Victory for Saxon police

Victory for Saxon police

24 pictures

Pictures: Police victories for Saxony

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Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police


Victory for Saxon police

Thomas Schmieder

Victory for Saxon police

Thomas Schmieder

Victory for Saxon police

Thomas Schmieder

Victory for Saxon police


Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov

Victory for Saxon police

Rossen Gargolov


Background: The police victories are to be used primarily on the German-Czech border as part of an EU project. The cops are supposed to be there “as a self-sufficient acting unit” Check suspicious vehicles, according to the Chemnitz police. Then “Experience shows that rigid, fixed checkpoints are cleared up and bypassed by criminals”.

This YouTube classic shows that police officers on large tourers should not be underestimated. It just depends on the skill of the driver.

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