The accelerated motorcycle license: the advantages and disadvantages

July 9, 2018

Since June 1, 2016, the A2 motorcycle license is mandatory for motorcyclists wishing to pass the A license allowing to drive a large engine. It is possible to go through accelerated training to obtain the A2 license.

The accelerated motorcycle license: the advantages and disadvantages

Why take the A2 motorcycle license intensively ?

If the classic license training can last several weeks or even several months, some are turning to the accelerated license. A solution that makes win time for the two-wheeler. Be careful though, speeding up your motorcycle license does have some disadvantages..

It is true that each student reacts differently: some like to take the time to practice and assimilate the theory, others prefer to take the exam after a quick training, when everything is still fresh in mind. If you are one of the latter, the intensive permit is for you.

Especially since this type of accelerated training avoids juggling your schedule and play with availability. All you need to do is block out a time slot of a few days and devote yourself to it 100%.

The accelerated motorcycle license how it works ?

The terms may vary depending on each motor school. As a general rule, motorcycle express training takes place between one and two weeks. The term "intensive" is not to be taken lightly. A real marathon waiting for the future moped rider.

If the teaching is condensed and fast, it respects the 20 hours minimum of training imposed by law. The practical training thus includes 8 hours of driving on a platform and 12 hours on the road, over a reduced period of time ranging from 3 to 5 days, about 8 hours per day of teaching.

The following week is the passing of the driving test on the plateau which includes a test at slow pace, avoidance, emergency braking, etc..

The plateau unfolds on a private track of the training center. Once this has been validated, you will have access to the road motorcycle license traffic test, in and outside the city. The purpose of this test is to assess the ability to move while respecting road safety rules, without disturbing or surprising other users and to judge the level of vigilance of the future rider.

When traffic is validated, you will have obtained your motorcycle driver’s license and will only need to make sure.

Note that if you have need to pass the highway code, it will take 3 days to a week of additional training, to be done before the motorcycle course.

The procedures are simple. You just need to provide:

  • a photocopy of the identity card;
  • one or two passport photos;
  • proof of address ;
  • a census certificate.

The advantages of the intensive motorcycle license

The main advantage is the saving of time. Pass the motorcycle license in accelerated can be done during a vacation period for example.

People in a hurry, or bikers already experienced who already have a first approach to driving two-wheelers (scooter, 125cc, etc.) will be seduced by this formula.

The accelerated motorcycle license is particularly suitable for those who do not need to pass code review : The theoretical training to obtain the code can take as long as the license, training and exam included.

The disadvantages of the accelerated motorcycle license

The flip side is that this intensive training is exhausting. You have to hold out physically and mentally. It’s up to everyone to see if this motorcycle license can suit them, depending on their current form..

The digest of information is not always easy to digest and questions the effectiveness of this training: will the student have integrated the whole of the teaching? Also, professionals agree that 8 hours of set time is often too little. Adding hours of driving drives up the cost of training.

Therein lies the major drawback of the express permit: a high going rate! The price of the permit varies between the Paris region and the province. In Île-de-France, a driving school will generally offer a price around 1500 €. It is possible to find them for less than 800 € in small and medium-sized towns.

A word of advice: check with the driving school about the pass rate for the license exam.

If you are unsure of the reliability of this training or if you think fast learning is not for you, no need to force yourself.

Opt for a classic motorcycle license training. Learning to drive via traditional training allows time to analyze advice and learn from mistakes: a supervised license course with supervised driving helps development.

If you have an A2 license, remember that since June 2, 2016, after two years, you can follow a 7-hour training course issued by an approved driving school to obtain the A license.

Category A allows driving a large displacement: all motorcycles and tricycles as well as motor quadricycles with a power greater than 35kw.

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