150 French people want to limit the speed to 110 km / h on the motorway !
As part of the Citizen’s Climate Convention, 150 people drawn by lot drew up around 100 proposals, including a reduction in motorway speed to 110 km / h… Explanations.
"Greenhouse gas emissions on the roads represent a significant part of total emissions and high speed increases emissions", estimate the 150 members of the Citizen’s Climate Convention who therefore wish "to put in place a reduction in highway speed from 130 to 110km / h ".
- MNC special file :
- MNC special file :
- MNC special file :
Drawn by lot by the Harris Interactive institute among the French by randomly generating telephone numbers (85% cell phones and 15% landlines), these 150 members mention various advantages for the climate thanks to: "20% reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases on average on these transports "," fuel savings "," reduction in mortality and bodily injury on the roads "and even a reduction in traffic jams !
"Complex to set up from the point of view of acceptability"
"A moderate extension of travel times is to be expected", of the order of "4 to 8 minutes per hour", estimate the 150 French people who are, however, well aware that this measure would be "relatively complex to put in place. in terms of acceptability, because it can be experienced as a limitation of freedom and a waste of time (which can be assimilated to an additional cost for households and professionals) ".
But to "make such a measure acceptable", the 150 citizens have thought of everything: it is enough to "communicate and educate on the reduction of CO2, fuel savings (for households and businesses), the low lost time (compensated for by fluidification and an average speed maintained or even increased over a route) and the gain in terms of limitation of accidents ".
We take the bets ?
"A first step could be a poster campaign", still note the 150 little geniuses whose inventiveness and creativity never cease to impress, while stressing that "the drop in speed on the motorway is undoubtedly more acceptable than on secondary roads, because motorways are generally less used by citizens for daily journeys "…
In particular, it will be necessary to convince 40 million motorists, who have already launched a !
"This measure would neither improve the safety of users, nor reduce the impact of road trips on the climate, but on the other hand it would have a very high economic cost for society", indignant the association which " strongly opposes lowering speed limits on highways ".
For Daniel Quero, president of 40 million motorists, "this assembly of pseudo-representative citizens of the French only served as a guarantee for the government to impose on the entire population the ideological and penalizing measures that it imagined".
First response on June 29
"How can we imagine, while in 2018 the French were more than 80% opposed to the 10 km / h drop in the speed limit on secondary roads on the grounds of road safety, that they will today support a reduction 20 km / h of the maximum authorized speed on highways to reduce greenhouse gases? "asks Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of the association, based on the cost study. benefits achieved in March 2018 by the General Commissariat for Sustainable Development (CGDD): "Admittedly, the savings linked to fuel savings are estimated at 360 million euros resulting from a 20 km / h reduction in the speed limit on motorways. But this sum must be put into perspective with the costs linked to the loss of time caused, estimated at -1.2 billion euros. All costs and benefits combined, the CGDD concludes with a very negative in the order of -550 million euros for the company f French if we now traveled at 110 km / h instead of 130 on the highways ".
Except that by reducing the speed limit on highways by 20 km / h, it’s a safe bet that automatic radars would endlessly crackle and would therefore radically increase State revenue … Diabolical ?
Emmanuel Macron, who could submit to a referendum some of the proposals of the Citizen’s Climate Convention, must provide "a first response" on June 29, 2020: stay tuned !
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