Radars – [Video] The 80 km-h contested in the Assembly by an LREM deputy! –

[Video] The 80 km / h contested in the Assembly by an LREM deputy !

Radars - [Video] The 80 km-h contested in the Assembly by an LREM deputy! -

The project – very advanced – to lower the speed to 80 km / h on the roads arouses an outcry against the government … including internally among the own members of the majority ! Barbara Bessot-Ballot, deputy La Republique En Marche of Haute-Saône (70), has thus stepped up to the National Assembly against this unpopular measure.

"It is not proven that lowering the speed would reduce accidents on our national and departmental roads", remarks the deputy Barbara Bessot-Ballot while calling in the National Assembly Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister in charge relations with Parliament and the LREM party. 

  • MNC special file : 
  • MNC Document :

The elected representative of Haute-Saône is indignant that there is no basis for this, insofar as the experiment of lowering to 80 km / h carried out since 2015 by the Center for Studies and Expertise on risks, environment, mobility and development (CEREMA) "has not given rise to any publication", she underlines with full knowledge of the facts since this included a road in her department (the RN57 between Vesoul and Saulx).

"If the results exist, they must be communicated to the entire population in order to be able to measure the importance of this device", rightly believes Barbara Bessot-Ballot, who assures about this limitation that "the silent majority don’t want it". 

  • MNC of December 13, 2017 : 
  • MNC of 5 December 2017 : 

"Mr. Minister, can you tell us under what circumstances the limitation to 80 km / h would be justified and on what results would they be based?", Concludes the LREM deputy, who will probably not receive a basket filled for Christmas from the president Jupiter Macron !

LREM tightens the belt !

If the link between the drop in speed and that of the accident seems logical at first glance (slower = shorter braking distance and less violent potential impact), it should be remembered that several tangible elements tend to prove the limits of this reasoning. little simplistic. Concrete example in Denmark, where the !

  • MNC of December 19, 2017 : 

Without being dismantled in the face of this internal attack in order, Christophe Castaner first took refuge behind a screen of agreed and predictable justifications, such as recalling the opposition encountered in 1973 during the implementation of the compulsory wearing of the seat belt (front and outside town, only).

Radars - [Video] The 80 km-h contested in the Assembly by an LREM deputy! -

"There are people, the silent majority that you mention, who thought it was not opportune," reports the Secretary of State after having made people cry in the cottages by sharing his own experience as a child not attached to the rear of the parental car, for lack of a legislative framework on the belt (the obligation to wear it in the rear only dates back to 1990)…

"There are even people who went to the Council of State to challenge this decision in the name of the fundamental freedom to be able to drive your car without buckling up in the front. And yet, little by little, it saved people. lives ", asserts Christophe Castaner by placing on the same footing radically different security measures (one is curative, the other preventive) therefore very difficult to compare.

In a car accident, the likelihood of serious injury if your seat belt is not fastened is extremely high. It’s a simple matter of physics: a shock – or even hard braking – propels all passengers violently forward, whether the car is traveling at 90 or 80 km / h. Comparing the action of the belt to the reduction of 10 km / h is therefore not very relevant. 

Radars - [Video] The 80 km-h contested in the Assembly by an LREM deputy! -

On the other hand, neither Christophe Castaner nor any member of the government seem to have realized that cars and motorcycles have made considerable progress from a technical and safety point of view since the death of Georges Pompidou in 1974, whether in terms of tires. , brakes or suspensions but also thanks to the generalization of ABS and ever more sophisticated electronic assistance. 

Drive cars and motorcycles at 80 km / h – same speed as heavy goods vehicles! – presents in these conditions no other interest than that of boosting the lucrative activity of automatic radars, knowing that many motorcycles – in particular with twin engine – will be forced to stay on the penultimate gear for lack of power will hang move at this pace in sixth…

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