Noise speed cameras in road traffic in France

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Motorcycle noise

Debate about the volume of motorcycles

Noise speed cameras in road traffic in France
Jorg Kunstle,


traffic & business

Noise speed cameras in road traffic in France

Noise speed cameras in road traffic in France
The new “Meduse” system is listening

A system of audio sensors called “Meduse” is intended to track down the drivers of noisy motorcycles and cars.

Eva Breutel

October 14, 2019

The system was developed by the French environmental organization Bruitparif; It will be tested on public roads from the end of September in Paris, in the suburb of Villeneuve-le-Roi and in rural areas near Chevreuse. Four microphones pick up the noises from the environment and forward them to a computer for analysis.

Official use from 2020?

The optical sensors of the system should be able to assign a license plate to the noise sources. In principle, according to the developers, Meduse is even able to automatically send fines.

But it is not that far yet: On the one hand, there is currently no legal basis for the official installation, on the other hand, the initiators lack a reliable scientific database on the noise level of different vehicles in different traffic situations. This is exactly what is to be created on the test tracks. If the project is successful, Meduse could officially be used in 2022.

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