Business – Ducati breaks a world record and is committed to safety – Used DUCATI

Ducati breaks world record and commits to safety

Business - Ducati breaks a world record and is committed to safety - Used DUCATI

Despite the loss of the MotoGP world championship, Ducati will have managed to mark 2008: in addition to the WSBK title, the Reds make history by bringing together 405 Monster during a rally and by launching an operation intended to protect its customers.

Obviously, losing the supreme title to the irresistible Yamaha / Rossi duo, precisely on the Motegi circuit where Casey Stoner offered his employers the first MotoGP coronation in 2007 (read), certainly did not please the leaders of a brand with an aura as sporty as Ducati.

But the loss of the "holy grail" of motorbike sport – rider and constructor title – came with their heads held high, as Stoner and his team greeted with humility and honesty the performances of a Rossi and a Yamaha M1 once again in symbiosis. Once again titled in the Superbike world championship, the 15th in 18 seasons of WSBK (read), Ducati consoles itself with satisfactory European sales in a market that is nevertheless cautious. A success probably due to the unanimously acclaimed design of the sporting flagships of the range (848 and 1098) and to the successful mutation of the emblematic Mostro.

This flagship model, which since its appearance in 1993 was able to relaunch the brand, is the work of Miguel Galluzi and its long line represents more than half of the Ducatis sold throughout the world! An indisputable success to which is now added a world record: on September 21, the MOB (Monster Owners Belgium), with the support of Ducati North Europe and Ducati France, won its bet to organize "the largest gathering of motorcycles of the same make and model "(read).

Under a radiant sun, no less than 405 Monster owners found themselves in the small Belgian town of Hamme-Moerzeke, ie 199 motorcycles more than the previous record held by the Italians of TDM Italia (206 TDM in July 2003)! Validated by the Guinness Book, this record was made possible by the presence of Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourgish, French, English, German and Romanian bikers, with more than 1,500 spectators !

Ducati offers a Dainese backbone to its new customers

On the occasion of the Intermot show in Cologne (read), the recent leader of the Reds, Gabriele del Torchio, also announced "that from October 2008, every customer buying a Ducati in Europe will receive back protector".

A relevant and concrete initiative on the part of the manufacturer, which adds to its stated desire to promote the safety of its users, in particular by adhering to the European Road Safety Charter which aims to reduce by half the number of fatal accidents. ‘by the end of 2010.

In partnership with the Italian manufacturer Dainese, this direct action for the benefit of its customers is thus justified as a necessity according to Ducati: "in contact with urban traffic, taking advantage of mountainous curves or during a day on the track, this initiative is supposed to help Ducatists become aware of their safety by wearing adequate protective equipment, including back protection.".

A nice gesture on the part of the manufacturer, thus demonstrating that beyond sporting performance and an exacerbated concern for design, Ducati does not hesitate to actively invest in the safety of its aficionados.

Alexandre BARDIN – Photos DR

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