Company – Confined with … Cedric Beauvallet, communication manager Dafy Moto –

Confined with … Cedric Beauvallet, communication manager Dafy Moto

Company - Confined with ... Cedric Beauvallet, communication manager Dafy Moto -

What are the main players in the motorcycle world doing during the lockdown linked to the Covid-19 pandemic? Cedric Beauvallet, communications and marketing manager at Dafy Moto, spoke to Journal moto du Net.

MNC: Where are you confined ?

Cedric Beauvallet : I am in Authezat (63), in a small country village of 700 inhabitants where I am lucky enough to be confined with my family with my wife and my two children aged 14 and 17. I feel rather privileged.

  • MNC special file :
  • MNC special file :

MNC: How are your days going? ?

C. B. : I am teleworking, I start the day at 8:30 am and usually end it around 7:30 pm. Of course, during the day I take nice breaks where I take the time to prepare good meals. Currently I am organizing the takeover operation and I am also finalizing our with one of my collaborators. My days are so full.

MNC: What do you miss the most? The least ?

C. B. : Honestly, I am maximally positive and taking the time is a luxury that I had completely forgotten. What I miss the most is having a concrete exchange with the people around me, seeing my colleagues, family and friends. It’s our freedom that escapes us right now.

MNC: What are you afraid of ?

C. B. : I am not particularly afraid, I am fortunate to work in a company which manages this crisis well for the moment. How long is hard to say, but I have braved a few storms with Dafy in the past and it always ended well, so why not this time. From a more personal point of view, it may be to catch this damn virus … No one is immune.

MNC: A book, a film, a series, a record to recommend ?

C. B. : A comic book that I’m reading at the moment, Shangri-La by, awarded at Angoulême in 2017. A funny film, "Le Retour du Heros" with Jean Dujardin and Melanie Laurent. I am not a big fan of series, it forces me to watch TV and the less I watch it, the better I am! In music at the moment I really like Marie-Flore’s album.

MNC: Your Favorite Motorcycle Video ?

C. B. : We carried out one on the French championship and the world enduro championship, unfortunately everything is at a standstill … I can’t wait for the activity to resume…

MNC: The first thing you will do at the end of the lockdown ?

C. B. : Get on my motorbike and find this freedom that we miss so much !

Interview by Eric MICHEL

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