Statistical reports – Annual road safety report: road mortality stabilizes in 2016 –

Annual road safety review: road mortality stabilizes in 2016

Statistical reports - Annual road safety report: road mortality stabilizes in 2016 -

The National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory (ONISR) has just published its first estimates which show an overall stability in road mortality in 2016, especially among bikers..

According to estimates by the National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory (ONISR), 3,469 people lost their lives on the roads of France in 2016, against (+ 0.2%, +8 deaths). "Like every year, the final results will be known in the spring", but "today’s estimate should be very close", assures Road Safety.

612 bikers killed in 2016

Over 2016 as a whole, bodily accidents numbered 57,251 compared to 56,603 in 2015 (+ 1.1%, + 648). The number of people injured is estimated at 72,199 in 2016 against 70,802 in 2015 (+ 2%, + 1,397).

The ONISR counts 72 additional deaths among pedestrians (+ 15%) and 10 more deaths for cyclists (+ 7%) while motorist mortality is down compared to 2015: 1,759 deaths in 2016 against 1,796 in 2015, i.e. 37 lives saved (-2%). The mortality of heavy vehicle drivers and their passengers has increased slightly with 61 deaths in 2016 against 56 in 2015, i.e. 5 more.

The mortality of bikers amounted to 612 deaths in 2016, stable compared to 2015 (-0.33%), while that of mopeds continued to decline in 2016 with 124 deaths against 155 in 2015. "It was divided. by two since 2010 ", underlines Road Safety, which seems consistent with the drop in registrations. 

"Vulnerable users such as pedestrians, cyclists, mopeds and motorcyclists still represent 42% of people killed while their proportion in traffic is very low," continues Road Safety … Let us remember that " vulnerable users "are … vulnerable, precisely !  

Age groups

The mortality of people over 65 continued to increase in 2016 (878 people died, i.e. + 6%). The increase in mortality among people aged 75 or over is more marked among pedestrians, while the increase among those aged 65-74 mainly concerns cyclists and motorists.

On the other hand, ONISR specifies that "the mortality of children and young people aged 18-24, which had increased in 2015, again showed a decrease in 2016 (- 9% for 0-17 years and -3 % for 18-24 year olds) ". The decrease in accidents (mortality but also serious injuries) is particularly marked among young moped riders.

In 2016, 601 young men and girls lost their lives on the roads. However, under-24 mortality is down nearly 30% compared to 2010.

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